Thursday 28 April 2016

Top Toddler Discipline Tricks That Work

Educating and training your child seems to be a real challenge especially because your child is quite young right now. On the other hand you feel that your little mischief-maker is heading towards becoming a pro. It is normal development process and you need not get disheartened. Instead, you need to work on your approach towards the mischiefs and take action that not only works, but also is good for the overall development of your little child.

Talk to your child

Communication is the best tactic that works especially with small children. Do not think that since your child is very small, he is not capable of communicating. Toddlers listen and understand if they are talked in small and repeated sentences. Use simple things and teach your child how to do and act.

Engage your child in right games

Small children love games and if you keep your toddler engaged in games that actually teach them certain rules, your child will learn fast. You will not believe that when kids learn rules through games they tend to be more disciplined from a very early age.

Offer a reward

Offering a reward or incentive at the end of the day is a great idea to keep your child behave properly all through the day. You can win the battle without shouting or punishing your toddler.

Diplomatic attitude works

No matter how angry you are, do not punish your child at that time. Think about another option because it is not always necessary to discipline toddlers strictly. You can distract him and save the struggle between you and your child.

Make adjustments

You have to understand the situation of your child before you think about disciplining. For example, if your child is teething, you cannot expect from him to stay calm. Think about the irritation and pain he is going through. Similarly, you cannot punish your child in the same manner for hitting his playmate and make drawings on the wall.

Use age appropriate disciplinary actions

Keeping age of your child in mind is very important. Change the way you punish your child as he grows. The trick that is working at 18 months may not work when your child is above 2 years.

Discipline trick - Time Out
Have patience and be persistent

Your toddler is growing and at this age kids forget very soon. So, you will have to repeat the rules and limits time and again. Be patient and never skip the occasion of disciplining your child. Be patient till the rules set in your child.

Be consistent

When you are setting rules, set the limits and stick to them. Make sure everyone in the house knows about it so that rules are never broken.

Balance in your behaviour is important

Do not always act as a police for your child. This will only make him do things rightly in front of you, but will always look for a chance to do whatever he likes.

Stay cool

Talking in a calm yet firm voice works far better than shouting or yelling at your child. 

Wednesday 27 April 2016

How to Stop Picky Eating In Toddlers

Pre-schoolers are especially picky eaters, often rejecting almost everything with fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals. Often parents do not understand whether they should simply pray that their child’s picky eating will improve with time or be more practical about the situation. Experts are of the opinion that the best strategies for inspiring kids to have good dining habits are often the most understated.

Here are some tips to prevent mealtime battles. Keep in mind few tips till your child matures.

Consider your child’s appetite

If your child is not hungry, it is advisable to leave feeding him at that time. Also, do not bribe or force to eat specific vegetable or fruit you think is right for him. Serve small portions and let your child decide how much he would like to eat.

Stick to a routine

Mealtimes should be fixed. Even snacks should be scheduled. Make sure snacks are light and not given to the child before lunch or dinner. This will reduce his appetite.

Have patience when introducing new foods

New foods need to be introduced from time to time into your child’s diet. You need to have patience when doing this. Give your child some time and let his taste get developed. Also, remember not to introduce new foods frequently. Give time for adjustment and let your child accept one first.

Make mealtime fun time

Children need excitement and fun always. Gone are the days when people used to sit quietly and eat their food. Nowadays even adults prefer enjoying the food and talking during mealtime. So, let your child have some fun. Serve brightly coloured foods and decorate the table to make your child feel happy.

Involve your child in everything

Right from taking your child to grocery store to planning dinner, involving him will make him feel that everything was decided according to his wish. This will automatically reduce the habit of picky eating.

Be a role model

Children follow what they see their parents doing. So, if you eat healthy and nutritious food, your child will follow that without any fuss or hassle.
Make your child enjoy food

Turn off the television and do not allow your child to read comics when he is eating. Let him enjoy the food and know what nutrition he is getting through foods.

Plan food for the meal ahead

Do not go for quick fix meals, they are not nutritious. Planning what to cook ahead means you will have enough time to think about nutrition and plan accordingly.

Do not offer sweet dish as reward

Never ask your child to finish his meal just because you have cooked his favourite sweet dish. This will only increase your child’s desire for sweet which is not good for his health and future as well. So, keep some healthy choices and plan having dessert after weekend meals or once a week.

Follow the above tips and you will definitely find difference in your child’s attitude towards food served to him, but have patience.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Positive Reinforcement for Children

Positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is the best way to modify your child’s behaviour by strengthening desired ones. The fact is that without using pain, punishment, yelling, degradation, intimidation, shame, humiliation, guilt or things that would hurt the child, this technique has proved to be effective for parents, caregivers, teachers and coaches. In fact, this technique has both, long term and short term benefits. Your child can learn habits that would be beneficial for him throughout his life.

Why positive reinforcement for kids?

Best way of encouragement

Recognize and appreciate your child’s smallest effort. This will help them have sense of self-worth and validity.

Helps build confidence and morale

If you punish your child for any bad behaviour, it will give him a feeling of being a bad child. But, if you use positive reinforcement, it will boost his self confidence and self-esteem.

Stimulates fundamental motivation

Positive reinforcement stimulates the basic good behaviour of your child. Child seeks praise and good feelings and with this you make him feel good about himself instead of thinking about his bad behaviour.

Boosts character development

Positive reinforcements enhances a child’s motivation much more than expected. It brings fruitful consequences.

It is effective

You can see results of positive reinforcement apparently when compared with punishment.

When to use positive reinforcement?

Experts are of the opinion that using positive reinforcement right after the behaviour works most effectively. Frequent recurrence and enthusiasm is also needed when using it. However, this tactic should be used as soon as possible after the behaviour.

How to use positive reinforcement?

Express your feelings when rewarding your child

When your child does something good or what you like, let him know that you are feeling good. A hug or even a nod with a smile can convey the message.

Be precise when you praise

Avoid saying a simple “good” when your child does something good. Praise his act by letting him know what exactly good he has done.

Focus on the right things

If your child has behaved in an unacceptable manner, offer him better alternatives. Or if your child did half right and half wrong while following your advice, you should appreciate the right part first and then give another directions for the second part.

Hold back negative decision

If you find your child doing something wrong or unacceptable, you should wait for some time and then discuss things with him. However, you might need to intervene at times it is urgent.

Show your child the progress

When you are praising your child for the present behaviour, do not forget to compare his past behaviour with present. Just make sure that you do not do this often.

Keep setting goals for improvement
When you are observing the improvement, set future goals so that the improvement goes on steadily. You can encourage your child by motivating him to do things on his own.

Everyone needs and seeks positive reinforcement. If parents make this a habit of their parenting, children are going to be more calm, well-behaved and more successful in their lives.